The day is near when you will start seeing advertisements in your sleep. Brands and companies are going to great lengths to flaunt their products and services in front of the world. Gone are the days when the only form of advertisement was the heavy wooden boards that were impossible to carry and spread the word to a particular crowd. After the invention of television, advertising began to thrive, and the game thrived with full force. Today, we look at hundreds of advertisements without even noticing them. You come across many ads throughout the day, and it doesn't matter whether you're listening to your car radio while driving, watching your favorite video on YouTube at home, or scrolling through Instagram or Facebook. Though you might not notice them, they stay in your subconscious mind and eventually encourage you to buy that product. According to a study, 60% of consumers purchase the product after seeing a TV commercial, and 42% of people decide after seeing the commercial on social media. Those are some big numbers! Are you thinking, why am I going on and on about these statistics? We can easily deduce from the statistics that advertisements play a pivotal role in the sales and publicity of a brand.
What are ATL, BTL, and TTL?
Those terms represent marketing techniques that are used around the globe to advertise products. Whether you want to promote products or services, you will use one of these three methods. Let’s discuss these terms in detail, and then it’s up to you to decide which marketing technique you want to follow to get ahead in advertising.
Above-the-line (ATL) advertising
ATL advertising technique is an old-school technique where businesses advertise their products on television, radio, catalogs, magazines, and billboards. ATL advertising aims to showcase the product at a mass level. Usually, large companies and brands use this method to reach a massive audience.
Benefits of choosing ATL advertising
Mass Awareness
Almost everyone has a television or a radio. Even if one has none, one still goes out on the streets where billboards and electric displays are everywhere. Companies and brands advertise through these means to get people interested in their products. Visual ads are more valuable as colors and stories add more to the meaning of the products.
Strike the hearts of consumers.
Brands that advertise through ATL have a greater chance to leave a lasting impression on the hearts of consumers. A brand displays its values and message that touch the hearts of thousands of people. A lasting impression encourages brand recognition and helps the brand increase its customer base.
If you're interested in learning more about BTL marketing services in Dubai and how they can help your business get ahead in advertising, we offer a free consultation to discuss your options. Our team will provide a comprehensive comparison of ATL, BTL, and TTL marketing strategies to help you determine which approach is best suited for your business objectives. Book a consultation today and take the first step towards achieving your advertising goals.
Get the audience hooked
ATL displays help brands stand out among a sea of competitors. Brands that succeed in making catchy ATL advertisements always stay in the public’s hearts.
Customer Loyalty
Advertising on a mass level encourages the notion that the brand has nothing to hide from the public. Customers feel safe while buying widely known products and show loyalty to those brands.
Some drawbacks of choosing ATL advertising
Heavy on the pocket
Older and larger companies can afford this type of marketing as it is heavy on the pocket. A handsome amount of money is required to advertise on different platforms.
Can’t measure success
No doubt, companies can reach a wider audience, but there is no surety for how many people will positively respond to the advertisement.
Below-the-line (BTL) advertising
BTL advertising is a more targeted approach to attracting a specific type of customer. This marketing technique is best for small businesses or brands that sell products to a targeted consumer base. Brands use more personal means of communication, such as email, direct mail, promotional events, and social media marketing.
If you're interested in learning more about BTL marketing services in Dubai and how they can help your business get ahead in advertising, we offer a free consultation to discuss your options. Our team will provide a comprehensive comparison of ATL, BTL, and TTL marketing strategies to help you determine which approach is best suited for your business objectives. Book a consultation today and take the first step towards achieving your advertising goals.
Benefits of BTL advertising
BTL advertising is a more targeted approach to attracting a specific type of customer. This marketing technique is best for small businesses or brands that sell products to a targeted consumer base. Brands use more personal means of communication, such as email, direct mail, promotional events, and social media marketing.
Targeted approach
BTL advertising allows companies to be up and close with their customers. It helps businesses present their products to a specified audience and create a strong bond with them.
Light on the pocket
This approach revolves around limited people, so it’s relatively light on the pocket. It’s this quality that makes it desirable for small business owners.
Can measure success
Companies have direct contact with possible customers, and the business person can assess the popularity and sales of the product in numbers.
Drawbacks of BLT advertising
Time taking
Direct communication requires effort and time. Convincing people is not usually a piece of cake, which makes BTL advertising time-consuming.
Limited customer base
The products stay among a few people, hence little chance of attracting more people. Large business companies usually don’t use this type of marketing.
Through-the-line (TTL) advertising
TTL is an amalgam of BTL and ATL advertising. This marketing technique uses conventional methods and personalized channels to advertise a product. Many large firms use this technique to get their products noticed by the public.
Benefits of TTL
Highly effective
There are more chances of success as the message reaches a large audience. Companies hope to convince the audience through different tactics.
The combined effect of ATL and BTL
Two are better than one! TTL advertising has combined characteristics of ATL and BTL hence encouraging a more comprehensive marketing strategy.
Drawbacks of TTL
Planning a TTL strategy is time-consuming because we work on ATL and BTL techniques. So if you have time to spare, consider this technique for better results.
Higher costs
It includes the combined costs of ATL and BTL advertising techniques. If you are on a tight budget, consider ATL or BTL separately. The Thought Factory is a Dubai-based marketing agency where professionals create capturing digital marketing campaigns and hold promotional events to showcase a brand’s products. In short, if you are looking for an expert-run company that will cater to your advertising problems, TTF is the answer.