In the present-day world the value of mapping brand memories, where micro-targeting and multi-channel advertising is at large, it is becoming increasingly difficult for a brand to efficiently convey an integrated strategy. For the value of mapping brand memories marketers require a more thorough outlook to understanding the efficiency of all-around advertising, given a confusing range of accessible media choices. So far, innovative pre-testing is carried out at the place of individual ads. Thus, the question for ad researchers now is: How can one comprehend and calculate (especially beforehand), various ads collaborate to create a brand? The answer? Look at where it all gathers together; inside the consumer’s head.

Linking Back for the value of Mapping Brand Memories
In the present-day world the value of mapping brand memories, where micro-targeting and multi-channel advertising is at large, it is becoming increasingly difficult for a brand to efficiently convey an integrated strategy. For the value of mapping brand memories marketers require a more thorough outlook to understanding the efficiency of all-around advertising, given a confusing range of accessible media choices. So far, innovative pre-testing is carried out at the place of individual ads. Thus, the question for ad researchers now is: How can one comprehend and calculate (especially beforehand), various ads collaborate to create a brand? The answer? Look at where it all gathers together; inside the consumer’s head.
A branding standard often utilized in tracking and pre-testing is called a brand fit- a basic rating that has been greatly authenticated to in-market sales outcomes. But what is meant by the concept of ‘fit’? Fit suggests that the concepts, emotions and imagery formed by newer advertising in some way link back to an already existing chain of brand alliances. These alliances act as associated memories that create the notion of a brand in the consumer’s mind. Furthermore, the term proposes that this memory network has structure; newer memories made by the latest advertising connect like pieces of the puzzle into the existing design of brand alliances, emotions and images. The existing chain of brand memories acts as an anchor to brand positioning Nevertheless, to maintain a brand’s relevance to dynamic culture, it must be continually nurtured with an up-to-date, inspiring vision by new creative. New brands should essentially add growth rings to the brand tree based on and developing in memory. This is the creative tension that is present between the positioning of a brand and its image, between communicating and sentimental experience. From the creative content outlook, there are two approaches by which every new implementation can nurture the brand tree: Similar to the ideas of reach and frequency (in media planning), an advertisement can either add depth or widen the breadth of the brand’s appeal. An advertisement can boost the depth of a brand by building loyalty; on the other hand, widening breadth indicates engaging newer consumer divisions with distinct implementations.
Introducing The Thought Factory: Unlock the power of integrated strategy through brand memory mapping. Our advanced pre-testing service leverages the latest media for optimal marketing performance, giving you the ability to calculate brand success with greater accuracy. Let us show you how to make sense of the overflowing choices and create powerful campaigns that leave a lasting impression.
Memory Layers in Brand Memories
Since brands really live in the memories of consumers, it is beneficial to have an overall understanding of the different memory layers running in the customer’s mind.

Brand Memory Maps
A research method known as brand memory maps is used to analyze how brand memories are linked together at both; the verbal layer of brand positioning as well as the non-verbal layer of brand image. These maps can be created following an easy algorithmic process on an Excel spreadsheet by an ad researcher. Furthermore, brand memory maps are helpful in determining:
Mapping Verbal Memory
Researchers are able to map semantic brand perceptions beyond ideas running in its division, along with verbal brand ratings and matching these up with buying intent. The graphical representation of the complete semantic net will demonstrate how consumers perceive a brand and how the ideas are interlinked for various selling propositions. This can, therefore, be employed to outline communication approaches having a coherent entry point to current perceptions and a route to buying intent.
Mapping Visual Memory
Visual memory maps are made from the same algorithmic procedure as utilized for semantic memory mapping; the only difference is that it is executed with picture-based standards instead of verbal ratings.
By utilizing separate pictures from advertising, visual memory networks can be formed from customers’ feedback to the pictures regarding brand fit, emotions and memorability.
The images act as a replacement to verbal nodes and a combination of image memorability/emotional reaction scores is utilized for correlations that depict the emotional space between the images in memory. The outcome is a map of visual memory.
Merging the two maps; the verbal and non-verbal, brand positioning and brand image will provide the marketing team with a more stabilized and measured outlook of how advertising forms a brand in consumer’s memory.
Introducing The Thought Factory: Unlock the power of integrated strategy through brand memory mapping. Our advanced pre-testing service leverages the latest media for optimal marketing performance, giving you the ability to calculate brand success with greater accuracy. Let us show you how to make sense of the overflowing choices and create powerful campaigns that leave a lasting impression.
Strengthening Brand Positioning
Normally, when it comes to evaluating brand semantic nets for a product division, the ideas nearest to buying intent are cost-of-entry advantages for the division. The concepts related to these (on the map’s perimeter) are inclined to be the brand differentiators
Reviving the brand image
Moving from the semantic memory (head) to the episodic memory (heart) and procedural memory (hand), we go into the two memory systems where emotions and physical feelings connected to a brand are preserved. Hand in hand, the visual and verbal brand maps provide marketers a stabilized viewpoint of the brand building consequences of a working ads set- thereby, measuring how both; the visual and verbal, the logical strategy and emotional implementation elements of a brand each add to buying intent as well as brand equity.
In a nutshell:
Branded memory continues to be the mighty and unexplored country of advertising/brand research. The time has come to start mapping it!