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Understanding Individual Consumer Experiences Matters

The world as we know it is filled with multi-diverse groups and smaller populations residing within those groups and within those populations are smaller communities, etc. When we are to study insights regarding these several segments, one cannot just see the averages and presume that the insights we have obtained reflect the experiences and opinions included within. Moreover, discovering aggregate results might be confusing. If we try to employ sales strategies or base marketing on these results, it will hinder a company’s potential to gather authentic and impressive insights as market researchers attempt to grasp the complete human experience as well as the motivational factors of their audience. Aggregated data can give rise to all things, ranging from unsatisfactory product launches to poor market performances and audiences turning away. Therefore, businesses need to concentrate on comprehensive segmentation and become granular with data (get detailed data) in order to correctly gauge people who are behind the numbers.

Utilizing research to comprehend market forces

Whilst most businesses have effectively started employing market research, it is always wise to dig a little deeper. Even at the design phase, it is essential to seek out a broader and more diverse group of perspectives in order to keep away from diverting from your product offering or preventing unintentional consequences. Businesses must understand that their customers’ reactions are formed by vast experiences since a universal human experience does not possibly exist.

customer experience matters

Dig a bit deeper into your data

Research must progress beyond generalizing and be extended enough to include several groups. Normally, it is quite simple for businesses to generalize statistical insights, especially circling demographics. To demonstrate an example; Company ABC conducted a test to show the effect of generalization and examine how businesses should handle data to make product decisions. For instance: test product 1 thrived amongst men aged 18-44 and test product 2 did very well amongst women aged 18-44. Now, if we are to take the average of both products, it would seem to be equal in attraction beyond the demographics. Nonetheless, they were both very distinct products and outcomes, despite if the simple data had indicated a small difference. Being unsuccessful in discovering correct and thorough segmentation reduces the lens for perceiving audiences and may create inconvenient end-results such as stereotyping and biasness; conscious or unconscious.

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Upgrade your data game to boost outcomes!

Nowadays, businesses are making better choices by reaching out to targeted audiences. To do this, the pre-requisite is accepting diversity and realizing that what you sell to one group of people is not necessarily the same thing you should sell to another. Example: Company XYZ bringing in a new product to the market should be targeting a focused audience, rather than just looking to sell to everyone they come across. Here, active companies will thoughtfully examine prospective audience data with regards to a product and carry out research to learn the best approach of approaching those customers.

Key tips to step up your data game

  • Incorporate buyer personas- these are comprehensive descriptions of target customers derived from consumer research
  • Steer clear of analysis risks- such as generalizing or miscalculating data
  • Include questions regarding core demographics- when sending questionnaires
  • Be considerate in asking demographic questions- especially with regards to religious, racial or gender related questions
  • Gather segmentation data- linked to purchase trends, preferences and other categories to categorize customers into certain groups
  • Use representative samples of premium quality By conducting thorough research, gaining a deeper understanding of results and using the full-data concept, companies can recognize and connect with audiences that can greatly influence their final decision.
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